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Lining of Water Reservoirs for water storage
Maintaining clean useful water as HDPE does not interact with any material in addition to save the clean soil by preventing water linkage into the ground water

Lining of Landfills for domestic, industrial, and hazardous, wastes.
Save the earth by lining the landfills as the un-useful wastages do not link to the earth and control the pollution. 

Lining of Underpasses and Tunnels.
Prevent the water to attach the concrete which may cause damages by water linkage and keep it safe for long time 

Lining of Canals.
Controls the water wastage and linkage of water in the canals in order to make sure that the water flows without any difficulties 

Lining of Artificial lakes and Swimming Pools.
Prevent the water linkage and keeping the water stability in its place.

Lining of heap leach & oxidation ponds for Gold Mining.
Easing the process collecting the mining wastage after evaporation and recycle it.

Lining of Mud Pits for oil drilling works. 
Preventing the interaction of the mining wastage with the earth and keeping the ground safe from any harmful wastages. 

Lining of Aquaculture basins.
Preventing the water linkage and make sure that the fish & shrimps are safe in the ponds